Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Other rumors about Sarah Palin

I think Ms. Palin and Mr. McCain might be lucky that the media is focused on the Baby story and not some of the other stories about Ms. Palin which are much more alarming. Please read the article in the Huffingtonpost for more details, but that is not even the entire story.


If this tactic is successful and the only story focused on is the baby issue what has in fact happened orchestrated or not is that Ms. Palin has given up her 17 year old daughter for the press to feast on while they overlook real scandals in Ms. Palin’s record. Those are some good family politics right there. In the words of a good friend of mine “it looks like Ms. Palin has a little too much on her plate right now to be running for VP.”


Anonymous said...
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Erik Lindsjö said...

I unfortunately had to remove Barky's comment since it included offensive language. Barky, please feel free to restate your comment, but with a little nicer language. Thank you.